A guy and his girlfriend are in the shower together when the doorbell rings

A guy and his girlfriend are in the shower together when the doorbell rings

A guy and his girlfriend are in the shower together when the doorbell rings. The girl is just hopping out so she says, “I’ll get it”. She goes to the…

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A wife was in bed with her lover

A wife was in bed with her lover

A wife was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband’s key in the door. “Stay where you are,” she said. “He’s so drunk he won’t even notice…

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Coldwater – Humor

Coldwater – Humor

A man went to visit his 90 year old grandfather. While eating the breakfast of eggs and bacon prepared for him, he notices his plate isn’t clean. So he says,…

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Last Date with My Mom

Last Date with My Mom

After 15 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman…

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67 year old lady gets visited by a Jehova’s Witness

67 year old lady gets visited by a Jehova’s Witness

The Jehovah Witness An older lady was doing some household chores on a beautiful Sunday morning, when she suddenly heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door to see a…

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Johnny Kept Disrupting His Third Grade Class.

Johnny Kept Disrupting His Third Grade Class.

This Is Truly Hilarious. Little Johnny kept disrupting his third-grade class by regularly letting loud farts. His teacher kept him after school. When she insisted on knowing why he exhibited…

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Funny Joke ‣ Life is Mutual

Funny Joke ‣ Life is Mutual

“It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger. When…

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Vintage ’50s & ’60s family road trip photos in color

Vintage ’50s & ’60s family road trip photos in color

The 1950s and 1960s were the eras that saw the rise of the family road trip. Advanced automobiles, roads, and the advent of the station wagon added to the appeal…

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The Wife Checked Her Husband’s Phone

The Wife Checked Her Husband’s Phone

The wife checked her husband’s phone and found these names: ‘The tender one’ ‘The amazing one’ ‘Lady of my dreams, She got angry and called the first number to find…

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Surgery addict Mary Magdalene, 26, reveals latest post-op look with new ‘Barbie nose’ and ‘cat eyes’

Surgery addict Mary Magdalene, 26, reveals latest post-op look with new ‘Barbie nose’ and ‘cat eyes’

PLASTIC surgery addict Mary Magdalene has unveiled her latest Barbie nose and cat eyes look. The 25-year-old social media star boasted that her “new face” looks like a “forest fairy…

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