he first thing that comes to mind when you see airplane stories on TV is that it’s probably about another unfortunate incident that passengers have had to face at the hands of the airline. It’s not heartwarming at all to see passengers being taken off flights they’ve paid for because of over-bookings; or, in a more recent turn of events, a mom being assaulted with her baby’s stroller in the airplane by one of the crew members.
But thankfully, the story in this post is a lot different. When you read something like this for a change, it actually gives you that “feel good” feeling about airline attendants and the values they hold high when it comes to customer service.
Peggy Uhle was on Southwest Airlines flying from Chicago to Columbus, Ohio, when the taxiing plane suddenly took a turn back towards the gate. As the plane approached the gate, a flight attendant told Peggy that she’d have to get off the plane. Here’s where stories usually turn nasty, but not this one.