Retired teacher’s letter to parents is being hailed by thousands

Her argument was far from abstract, honing in on a concrete reality: the issue isn’t with the teachers but rather with the parents. Parents, she argued, are not equipping their children with necessary social skills, manners, or respect. It is this lack of home training that gets magnified within a school setting.

Read the letter:

Retired teacher's letter to parents is being hailed by thousands

Furthermore, Roberson raised a number of unsettling questions about parental involvement, or rather, the lack thereof, in their children’s education. Do parents regularly interact with teachers, or attend parent’s nights?

Do they provide their children with necessary study materials, or monitor their homework? When these questions are examined, Roberson argued, it becomes clear that many parents are failing their duties.

The crux of her argument is that parenting and teaching are two distinct roles that must work in harmony for the benefit of a child.

The home is where values such as respect, politeness, and responsibility should be instilled. Schools, on the other hand, should primarily focus on imparting knowledge in subjects like math, reading, and writing.

While some might find Roberson’s perspective harsh, it does merit consideration. Teachers indeed face a monumental challenge in educating children who lack basic manners or respect.

With the growing complexity of curriculum and the escalating demands of the job, it’s unreasonable to expect teachers to simultaneously address behavioral issues that stem from home. The process of imparting knowledge becomes profoundly difficult if a child lacks essential behavior skills.

It’s worth noting that Roberson’s viewpoint does not discount the role of teachers or absolve them from their responsibilities.

Instead, it points to the shared duty between parents and teachers in nurturing a child’s growth. Parents, as a child’s first teachers, should lay the foundation for basic behavior, while teachers can build upon this foundation to foster intellectual growth.

The letter is an eye-opener for many, as it insists on the significance of parents reevaluating their involvement in their child’s learning journey. Before pointing fingers and attributing a child’s struggle to an external source, parents should introspect.

Are they doing enough to instill basic social skills and a sense of responsibility in their child? Are they engaged and supportive in their child’s educational journey?

In conclusion, the educational success of a child is a two-way street. It requires both parents and teachers to step up and play their respective roles effectively. Lisa Roberson’s candid letter reminds us all that education is a joint venture – one that requires active participation from parents as much as it does from teachers.

It’s high time we appreciate and acknowledge this collective responsibility for the betterment of our children’s future.

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